Okay, so I admit that I haven't done anything today that could remotely be considered "work", even by those defining the word incorrectly. And honestly, I don't even really
know what I've been doing that's taken up the last, oh, 6 hours or so. I mean, there's been some extensive browsing/exploring/oohing/aahing/creating over on
CafePress.com (which, technically, is a procrastinatory activity that began yesterday), but beyond that, there must have been something else. Sent a couple of e-mails, that doesn't take too long...oh, and I helped my brother do a few things online...and yeah, I guess that's it. My shiny new tax textbook (one of three) is open in front of me, on the first page of Chapter One. Hmm.

Anyway, earlier today, I was thinking about careers and stuff...y'know, all that important crap. You'd think I have a career plan by now, but any plan I do have is not 100%, really, when I think about it enough. So anyway, somehow I started thinking about Belle from
Beauty and the Beast. Belle -- she was smart, intelligent, loved to read, had a vivid imagination and courage... but at the end of her story, all that happens is that she marries the prince. But, I mean...does that mean she's just gonna be a stay-at-home princess? I'm sure she had something in mind for her life. Something more than a provincial life, say? And I KNOW the prince has a large book collection and a castle and all that, but is that really enough? Belle had potential...I just wonder what would have happened to it after she became royalty. At least her father would get more grant money to work on his inventions...